
In case of any question send us an email to [email protected]

For Creators

Hi creators! You may find this page surprising. Article about you? That's nice.

My goal was — and still is — to help creators promote their profile, without them doing any of the work, while also taking a small cut (senator, we run ads).

The #1 reason you guys reach out to me is saying you love the article, I'm loving these emails. I will do everything in my power to always help you, and never do anything to harm.

Anyway, 1-2 creators per week reach out because of DMCA claims, so I just want to clarify this:

  • We don't copy, download, and store your media (images, videos, etc) on our servers (aka, we don't steal your images)
  • We publicly disclose we don't own and don't claim any rights over your media. Quite opposite, we give you full credits.
  • We only directly link all your images to domain, where the picture is in its original format uploaded by you.
  • All images of creators on our site are publicly visible to anyone that visits
  • We don't allow anyone to upload any content (ie. leaks)
  • We highly discourage people from leaking your content
  • This is just like Google Images — Google doesn't store images on their servers (which would be violation), they just directly link to them.
  • This is just like Google Images — Google doesn't store images on their servers (which would be violation), they just directly link to them.

Despite all of these points, I still respect that you don't want to be featured on the site. Just write me an email [email protected] and I will delete your profile permanently from