How to Target the Right Audience on

Written By Alyssa B.

Content writer for CreatorTraffic

In the world of content creation, understanding your audience is paramount. Targeting the right audience enhances your visibility and ensures your marketing efforts yield the best results. 

A target audience is the specific group of individuals most likely to engage with and support your content, influenced by factors like age, demographics, location, and interests. On platforms like, knowing your audience can drastically improve your ad performance and subscriber rates.

With billions of users across various adult content sites, narrowing your focus is crucial. Not everyone will resonate with your unique style, and that’s okay. By honing in on those genuinely interested in your offer, you can maximize your advertising budget and drive meaningful engagement. 

This article will guide you through the essential steps to effectively identify and reach your target audience, even if you’re new to marketing strategies. Whether you’re an aspiring creator or a seasoned professional, these insights will help you align your content with the desires of your target audience, paving the way for more successful ad campaigns on

What is a Target Audience?

A target audience is a group of people who want to see your content. Several factors make up a target audience, such as age, demographics, location, and interests. Determining your target audience is essential in developing an effective marketing strategy as a content creator.

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Finding your target audience is important because it gives your content direction and optimizes ad spend. Billions of people use adult content sites, but not all like the type of content you create. It’s nothing personal. It’s impossible to appeal to everyone! But showing ads to people not interested in your profile wastes money. That’s where understanding your target audience is beneficial. Essentially, your target audience is a group of people who will most likely subscribe or pay for your content.

By narrowing users to those who like the content you create, ads are more effective. There are several ways to determine your target audience. It’s easier than it sounds. Even if you have zero marketing experience, you can establish a target audience with these simple steps!

How to Find a Target Audience

A common mistake content creators make is misidentifying their target audience. When determining a target audience, you want to be as specific as possible. The goal is not to be inclusive but to find the exact profiles of people who love you and your content. 

Establish a Content Niche

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You aren’t going to please everyone. Posting a little of this and a little of that is not a winning strategy. Instead, find a content niche that aligns with your interests and abilities. Focused content is the best way to establish a target audience and create a name for yourself as a content creator. Here are some popular content niches on adult fan sites:

  • Cosplay
  • Foot fetishes
  • BDSM
  • Girl-on-girl or threesomes
  • Milf
  • Fitness

It’s okay to experiment with different content niches or surprise fans with variety. However, the core of your photos and videos should fall into your selected category. 

Analyze Existing Fans

Your target audience will reflect the same qualities as your current audience. New to OnlyFans or adult fan sites? Use your social media following as a guide. These are factors to look for to help refine your target audience profile:

  • Age, gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity
  • Location
  • Relationship status

Check Content Performance

Not sure which content niche to target? The answer is in your content. Look through your posts and find the ones that produced the best return. If you are active on fan sites, that could be your best-selling PPV bundle. If you are looking on social media, find the one with the most likes, follows, comments, and shares. Your top-performing content probably falls into a similar category. Make a list of why you think those posts got the most attention, and use that list to tailor your future content.

Look at Competitors

Another way to find a target audience is to analyze your competition. Find a model you admire. You can love their content and style or want to match their earning potential. Your competitive assessment should cover the following factors:

  • What type of content do they post? Which content niche aligns with their media strategy?
  • Who subscribes to their profile? What are the common features of that audience?
  • Where do they post? Which platforms do they leverage to engage with fans?
  • What are the top posts fans liked? 
  • How are you similar to and different from that content creator?

For the best results, be super honest in answering these questions! You might realize the creators you look up to have different content goals than you, and that’s okay. Find an adult content creator that matches your content interests, goals, and posting strategies.

Ask Fans

When in doubt, always go back to your fans. Don’t be afraid to ask subscribers what content they love and if there is something they’d like to see you post. Your current audience’s fantasies and dreams will help narrow your target audience and determine a content niche.

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Test and Refine

All of these suggestions help frame your target audience, but it isn’t an exact science. You will need to test your audience theories and refine the profile based on results. Don’t get discouraged if your initial target audience is incorrect. A few minor adjustments will get your marketing strategy back on track. There are so many advantages to identifying your target audience; it is definitely worth the effort!

Creating Content for a Target Audience

Once you establish a target audience, it’s time to create content that aligns with the interests and values of that audience profile. Why is targeted content important?

Think of targeted media like a trail of breadcrumbs. Users will see ads with photos representing the type of content they subscribe to. The image that caught their eye will direct them to your profile. Once there, it is crucial they find the content promoted in the advertisement. Saturating your profile with posts that match the interests of your target audience will make a subscription more appealing. Fans want some sort of surety that paying to view your profile will unlock access to stuff they like. The only way to give that assurance is to produce and boost content for your target audience.

Ad Photos

Ads on require a picture. These images must be SFW (safe for work), which means no nudity or explicit content. The ad picture should pique the interest of your target audience. For example, if your content niche is foot fetishes, make sure your campaign features a close-up of your feet. 

A recommended strategy is to create a folder of advertising images. Start with 4-5 pictures. Having a variety of prepared photos makes it easier to change your ad based on performance. 

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Profile Photos

If you want to convert ad clicks to new customers, the advertisement must match the content on your profile. Select a profile picture that relates to your content niche and the interests of your target audience. Make sure to include that content niche in your bio. Ensure the top posts on your page connect with your audience’s interests. 

Leveraging Keywords on

Leveraging keywords is the most effective way to target the right audience on Keywords are words or phrases that users search for when looking for models on adult fan sites. 

Every campaign has the option to select up to 10 target keywords and 10 excluded keywords. The target keywords should describe your physical attributes and content type. For example, you can target ethnicity, body type (breasts and booty), sex fetishes, and OnlyFans content types like PPV and messaging. When a user searches for one of your targeted keywords, will position your ad at the top of search results. That means more eyes on your ad and more opportunities to build your audience.

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The excluded keywords are words or phrases that are irrelevant to your content. For example, if you are a plus-size, curvy bombshell, you might opt to exclude keywords like toned, fitness, etc. Similarly, if you have an athletic build, excluding keywords about large breasts or having a voluptuous body is wise. This strategy means that when a user searches for your excluded keywords, your ad won’t pop up, and you won’t waste money paying for views from disinterested users. 

Leveraging A/B Testing on supports A/B testing, a marketing strategy in which two nearly identical ads are run simultaneously to determine what your target audience responds best to. When performing an A/B test, the ad description, target keywords, and excluded keywords remain the same. However, the pictures are different. A/B testing is another important reason for producing multiple ad photos. 

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The benefit of running an A/B test is that you can optimize your marketing budget. Determining which photos prompt your target audience to click on your ad will give you a better return on investment. allows you to run an A/B test on as many ad campaigns as you want. 

Identifying and targeting the right audience on is crucial for maximizing your content’s impact and profitability. By understanding your ideal viewers’ unique preferences and characteristics, you can tailor your marketing strategies to engage them more effectively. Remember, it’s not about reaching everyone; it’s about connecting deeply with those who will appreciate and support your content.

As you implement the steps outlined in this article—defining your niche, analyzing your existing audience, and leveraging keywords—you’ll refine your approach and optimize your advertising efforts. Continuous testing and adaptation will further enhance your ability to connect with your audience. With a clear focus on your target demographic, you’ll improve your visibility and foster a loyal community that appreciates what you create. Start applying these strategies today, and watch your ads produce lucrative results on